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Easy Way to get Flint

  • #1 Jan 21, 2011

    There is a slight chance for a gravel block drop flint. (Bet you know that) So, it you get a brick, just place it down and break it. Do it over and over till you get flint. And, yes, I know someone probaly already made a post like this. :Flint:

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  • #2 Jan 21, 2011

    more like everyone already knew this. sorry.

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  • #3 Jan 21, 2011

    What about the beginners to Minecraft? :biggrin.gif:

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  • #5 Jan 21, 2011

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    There's only one way to find out. We must tie him up and throw him in the lake. If he lives, he is a whitch. If he dies, he is human. MY LOGIC BEATS YOURS.

  • #6 Jan 21, 2011

    I think this was found out by the first people to settle the minecraft world hundreds of years ago.

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    I am a creator. This makes me infinitely greater and more useful than any war lover.

  • #7 Jan 21, 2011

    It's efficient if you place gravel blocks underneath you, and then use a shovel to dig down.
    You don't have to move at all. :Notch:

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    "Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will what you imagine and at last you create what you will."
    -George Bernard Shaw

  • #8 Mar 10, 2011

    First dig a 3 block deep hole and put a torch In the middle then durt on top of that leaving a blank spot under torch then make a realy tall pile of gravil on top of the dirt. Then dig the dirt block and the gravel will fall on the torch and brake!

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  • #11 Mar 10, 2011

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  • #12 Mar 10, 2011

    Quote from Aj252466 »

    First dig a 3 block deep hole and put a torch In the middle then durt on top of that leaving a blank spot under torch then make a realy tall pile of gravil on top of the dirt. Then dig the dirt block and the gravel will fall on the torch and brake!

    Did you really necro'd the thread to tell this fail? XD
    I just imagine he in need of flint and doing this alll day watching the gravel blocks droping on a Torch

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    Quote from xNightmare »

    Quote from WiseGuy57 »

    Quote from ammon97 »

    Damn you, Herobrine...

    Mod edit: Warn issued for trolling.

    So I guess mods on this forum don't understand sarcasm then?

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    Mod edit: Warn issued for spam.

    Gotta love those moments!

  • #14 Mar 10, 2011

    Quote from ZomgWhatsThis »

    Quote from orangegreenblue »

    Quote from Aj252466 »

    First dig a 3 block deep hole and put a torch In the middle then durt on top of that leaving a blank spot under torch then make a realy tall pile of gravil on top of the dirt. Then dig the dirt block and the gravel will fall on the torch and brake!

    That doesn't work, it only gives you gravel if you do that.

    wth thats bs. I get flint with torches

    Suuuuure you do.

    Quote from Minecraftwiki »

    The gravel blocks will break when they hit the torch, causing the entire stack to quickly break down. Using this tactic, however, will not yield flint;

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    "I'm weird, and I'm proud of it!" -me

  • #15 Mar 10, 2011

    This uses up lots of shovel hits. I'd rather just collect flint in normal mining; and since the only thing flint makes other than flint and steel is arrows, I get lots of arrows from skeletons anyway.

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