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Ulaby and Yagle Engineering Signals and Systems Solutions


  • Students deepen understanding of signals and systems with engaging and practical projects
  • Students develop LabVIEW and Multisim skills through frequent utilization of both tools
  • Students learn new techniques to solve electrical system challenges


Level University
Topic Signals and Systems
Style Project-Based Learning
Prerequisite Skills Introductory Circuits, LabVIEW and Multisim Familiarity

Graphical Convolution

In this project students will determine the impulse response of two first order
systems given their step responses, apply graphical convolution to
calculate the system output for a non-standard signal shape, and then compare
their calculations to simulation and hardware.This project is focused on Multisim and NI ELVIS.

Step Response of a Second-Order LCCDE

A second-order linear constant-coefficient differential equation (LCCDE) models a wide-range of engineering systems. Students will study the properties of an inductor-capacitor-resistor (LCR) circuit with Multisim and NI ELVIS.

Car Suspension Analog Model

In this project students implement and study an electrical analog to an
automobile suspension system. This project is focused on Multisim and NI ELVIS.

Proportional Control System

Students study a simple proportional control system that speeds up the responsiveness of an emulated DC motor. Students will use Multisim and NI ELVIS to simulate motor control.

Fourier Series Demonstrator

In this project students will create a Fourier series demonstrator in LabVIEW. The interactive demonstrator will allow students to experience a variety of effects due to a finite number of sinusoids.

Image Filter

In this project students will build a 2-D image filter based on the Fast Fourier
Transform (FFT), and then study the effect of filter parameters such as cutoff
frequency and filter order on the processed image. The project utilizes LabVIEW with MathScript RT Module.

Image Deblurring

In this project students will be presented with an image that suffers from
uniform motion blur, the special case of constant relative velocity between
the camera and subject. With knowledge of the blurring mechanism students
will create and implement an inverse filter to deblur the image via LabVIEW.

Butterworth Filter

In this project students will design an active Butterworth lowpass filter to meet
specified target values for DC gain and cutoff frequency. Once they have
confirmed that the filter design meets specifications students will investigate
the filter's ability to suppress high-frequency noise superimposed on a digital-like information signal.

AM Radio Simulator

Students will create an AM radio simulator that features an
audio signal viewer to simultaneously display the frequency spectrum and
time-domain representations of any desired signal in the system and play
the signal on the sound card. This project will be done using LabVIEW.

Convolution Reverb Audio Effect

In this lab students will gain familiarity with the LabVIEW built-in
subVI Convolution as a means to convolve small sequences, and then apply
this subVI to implement the student's own convolution reverb audio effect.

Notch and Comb Filters

In this project students will analyze audio from the radio communication
between Neil Armstrong and NASA Mission Control to determine the frequencies
of the "NASA beeps" and then design notch and comb filters to
eliminate the beeps. This is accomplished through the LabVIEW with MathScript RT Module.

DTMF Decoder

The distinctive sounds from you when you dial a number on a telephone are called DTMF tones. Student will complete a DTMF decoder system based on FFT spectral analysis. This will be done with LabVIEW with the MathScript RTmodule.



The NI Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite (NI ELVIS) is a versatile laboratory platform that enables educators to teach over 20 different courses across science and engineering departments. The NI ELVIS integrates 12 common lab instruments including an oscilloscope, function...

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LabVIEW is systems engineering software for applications that require test, measurement, and control with rapid access to hardware and data insights.

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Multisim is a circuit simulation tool built for educators to teach analog, digital, and power electronics by connecting simulation to experimentation.

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Detailed Requirements

Required Software

Download Academic Software, Learn About Software Licensing

  • LabVIEW (Requires license)
  • LabVIEW MathScript RT Module (Requires license)
  • Multisim (Requires license)
  • NI ELVISmx

Required Hardware

Purchase Engineering Education Products

  • NI ELVIS II/II+ View Specifications View User Manual

Ulaby and Yagle Engineering Signals and Systems Solutions
